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British chemist David Evans has become an overnight celebrity on Chinese social media. His chemistry experiments have attracted over 2 million followers in just a few months. Evans is a chemistry professor at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The 60-year-old always wears a white lab coat, a pair of safety goggles (护目镜), and smiles often. Some web users say he looks just like the “grandpa of KFC”.

Evans has posted videos of various experiments. His most popular experiments have attracted millions of hits on video-sharing apps. Excited children’s cheers and shouts can be heard in his videos. “I hope my experiments can arouse people’s interest in science,” he says.

Evans has been interested in China since childhood. In the early 1970s, before the reform and opening-up, he viewed it as a “country full of mysteries”. He first visited the Chinese mainland in 1987 to attend a chemistry conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. He quit his job in the United Kingdom and moved to Beijing in 1996. Many of his friends thought he was crazy. But Evans says they just saw China’s challenges but not its potential.

Since 2011, Evans has turned to the Internet to popularize science. He learned short-video apps are also popular in small cities and rural areas. And he realized this enables him to reach more students, who lack opportunities to perform fun experiments. But even a one-minute video requires a considerable amount of work. Still, he thinks it’s worth it to fulfill his responsibility to popularize science.

His experiments always fill schools’ lecture halls with laughter. Some viewers call him “a Harry Potter-like magician”, but he disagrees. “A magician never tells the secrets behind his tricks, but a scientist always gives an explanation.” He sees himself as a teacher. He performs experiments to spread knowledge, inspire thinking, remove misunderstandings and show that science can create change. Evans says he looks forward to more “chemical reactions” with China.

1.Who is David Evans according to the passage?

A. A manager of KFC.   B. A film celebrity.

C. A chemistry teacher.   D. A British magician.

2.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. Evans considered UK to be a country full of mysteries.

B. Evans first visited Chinese mainland in the 1970s.

C. Evans was in no mood to move to Beijing.

D. Evans attended a chemistry conference in China in 1987.

3.Why did Evans begin to post videos of experiments on the Internet?

A. To popularize science.

B. To rise to fame.

C. To apply short-video apps.

D. To make a fortune.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Evans knows exactly how a magic works.

B. Evans will continue to post videos of experiments in China.

C. Evans’ students like to interrupt his experiments with laughter.

D. Evans’ friends admired his decision to move to China.

