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There was a story about Ken Davis, a man who found a simple way to enjoy his work. Ken just couldn’t find a suitable job. He worked at a variety of jobs and disliked them at all. While Ken was working as a door-to-door salesman, he noticed that at least half of his customers had broken-down doorbells. And suddenly, Ken’s life career became clear. He opened his own doorbell repair service.

Ken’s wife laughed when she first heard his idea. When she realized he was serious, she cried. Whoever heard of making a living by repairing doorbell? But Ken was making a comfortable living at his unique job, and he was happier than he’d ever been.

Ken didn’t enjoy what he was doing, but now he is enjoying what he is doing because he has got to realize that he is working for himself. Because of his passion for work, he is more devoted to it and does his work more creatively and efficiently.

The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Remember, jobs are owned by the company; you own your career!

No matter where you work, you work for yourself! With a little creativity and imagination, your work can seem less like boring work and more like play. To enjoy your work more, it helps to put some play in what you do. Wouldn’t you rather have it that way?




(1) 读完上文后你的感受;

(2) 描述你所熟悉的一个会享受工作或学习的人;

(3) 作为高三的学生,你如何享受你的学习。






