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When I was a freshman in college I received a letter that forever opened a window in my soul. I had just started writing and the ____of my local county newspaper had been kind enough to ____ some of my work. About a month later the ____ arrived.

Here is what it said. “You may not ____ me. We last saw each other in kindergarten and my ____ moved the next year. We ____ get the county paper in the mail, though, and when I saw your name I had to write you. You see that first year in school was very ____for me. I was a tiny, ____, and ordinary-looking girl that the other children ____ me every day. The thing I remember about you is that you ____ did. When we ____to go out, the teacher always put me beside you and you would hold my hand as we ____ the street. You talked to me and played with me. You ____ me as a person, not someone different and I will be forever ____ for that. My whole life was ____ because of  how you treated me all those years ago.”

I carefully wrote back to my kindergarten friend and we____ for several years____ the illness that she had ____ with since childhood finally took her life. I will never forget, however, just how much that simple kindness I had shared ____ to her.

Every act of kindness we do ____ another’s heart. Every bit of goodness we share makes the world a better place. Let’s use that power and make both Earth and Heaven smile.

1.A. teacher   B. director   C. editor   D. leader

2.A. print   B. publish   C. report   D. check

3.A. newspaper   B. message   C. work   D. letter

4.A. remember   B. recognize   C. hear   D. forget

5.A. parents   B. family   C. school   D. classmates

6.A. still   B. also   C. just   D. even

7.A. busy   B. happy   C. difficult   D. easy

8.A. honest   B. naughty   C. sunny   D. sick

9.A. kidded   B. helped   C. hated   D. beat

10.A. occasionally   B. never   C. seldom   D. always

11.A. got up   B. lined up   C. ended up   D. cheered up

12.A. adventured   B. visited   C. cleaned   D. crossed[

13.A. judged   B. heard   C. knew   D. saw

14.A. grateful   B. hopeful   C. regretful   D. skillful

15.A. harder   B. better   C. easier   D. healthier

16.A. cooperated   B. corresponded   C. lived   D. worked

17.A. after   B. when   C. before   D. while

18.A. experienced   B. studied   C. treated   D. struggled

19.A. meant   B. done   C. appeared   D. got

20.A. discovers   B. obtains   C. enriches   D. touches

