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Jane raced onto the train platform and asked a porter, “Is this the train to Rochester?”

“Yes,” said the porter. “but only the …Hey! Wait.” He was too21 .Jane had raced off

22 he had finished speaking.

She had just23 herself in a seat when the train24 out of the station. Jane got out her book and settled down to read. After about an hour or so, she looked25 and glanced out of the window. “That’s  26 .” she thought . “the landscape(景色)doesn’t look27  ,and it should; I’ve28 this route so many times.” She was getting increasing29 when the big, red-faced conductor walked up and asked for her  30 .

One glance was enough. He31 his head in friendly reproach(责备) and said, “Now, young lady, what did you do a fool thing like that for? This is the32 ticket. You33 have sat at the back of the train. The Rochester-bound(开往) section was34 at the last station.

Jane’s face grew red. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I guess I was in too much of a35 to find out…”  “Well,” said the conductor, “don’t`36 . You shouldn’t have been in such a hurry, but I dare say we can37 you a train going in the right38 at Syracuse. You’ll be a couple of hours late39 ,though .”

When Jane finally stepped onto the Rochester platform, her mother40 up to her . “Oh, Jane, we have been so worried. What on earth happened?”

“Well, Mom,” said Jane, “it’s a long story.”

1.A. busy              B. early            C. late            D. quick

2.A. when             B. then             C. after           D. before

3.A. settled             B. took             C. made          D. gave

4.A. pushed            B. pulled           C. left            D. started

5.A. around             B. about            C. up            D. down

6.A. exciting           B. interesting        C. strange         D. right

7.A. familiar           B. beautiful         C. nice            D. alike

8.A. walked             B. gone            C. followed        D. traveled

9.A. uneasy             B. calm            C. angry           D. unhappy

10.A. money            B. ticket            C. book           D. name

11.A. put              B. shook            C. raised          D. nodded

12.A. wrong            B. used            C. only            D. right

13.A. would             B. must            C. should          D. could

14.A. joined            B. turned           C. connected       D. separated

15.A. hurry             B. trouble          C. worry           D. difficulty

16.A. sorry             B. worry           C. hurry            D. regret

17.A. make             B. give            C. find             D. get

18.A. time               B. place           C. station           D. direction

19.A. arriving           B. leaving          C. going           D. returning

20.A. called              B. picked          C. rushed          D. pushed

