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1. Learn how to show them why it’s important to save, how to avoid overspending, and what they can do to successfully manage their money.

1. Have deliberate conversations about money.

Talk openly with your kids about the money you make and what it pays for, such as home, food, clothing and transportation. A conversation like this will give them context and will help them grasp early on that it costs money to have the essentials and that everything else is extra.


2. Give them a modest allowance.

A child who is old enough to count is old enough to get allowance. The amount should be an age-appropriate amount where stuff they’ll want will require at least a few weeks of saving to buy.

3. Normal chores(家务)are part of being in a family, not about getting paid.

3. 4.

Your kids have “regular” chores, already. By all means feel free to offer up those bigger, unpleasant tasks as optional paid jobs — weeding, shoveling snow, whatever they’ll really have to work at to earn those extra bucks m and kick back while they learn the value of a dollar.

4. Be a good financial role model.

5. So remember that you’re constantly sending financial cues to the children in your life in ways big and small. Be a good financial role model by using examples from your own life to teach them things they should and should not do with their money. Handle your money the way you’d want them to handle their own.

A. Children are always curious.

B. Money matters a lot in our daily life.

C. Don’t tie this money to chores, either.

D. Create opportunities for extra earnings.

E. Children learn by observing adult behavior.

F. Avoiding the subject actually creates unnecessary negative feelings.

G. It’s never too early or too late to teach the children the value or a dollar.

