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When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No, sir.” Just nodding your head is not acceptable.

Because I grew up in rural North Carolina, this rule comes 36to me, and it seems the obvious choice to come first. If you want children to respect you, you have to let them know 37 . Simply telling them you want them to address you by saying “sir” lets them know 38 you expect them to treat you. I also tell my students it’s a very useful tool when 39 with adults, and furthermore it also 40  handy for any adult interacting with another adult. Case in point: I was 41  the phone recently with the phone company discussing the inaccuracies(差错) of my 42 . The lady I spoke to was not 43  and seemed annoyed. 44 , in the midst of the conversation, I threw in a “yes, ma’am,” and her entire 45  changed. She became far more helpful and 46  to deal with, and she 47  cutting my bill in half.

Some of my students in Harlem were to be 48  for a chance to attend a high-rated junior high school. The school only had thirty openings for the following year, and twelve of my students were 49  the many kids across the city who applied for the spots. I practiced what the interview would be 50  with my students, and one main thing I stressed was, “51  you say ‘yes ma’am’ or ‘no sir’ no matter what!” Weeks after the interviews, I was delighted to hear that all twelve of my students had been 52 . When I talked with the admissions director at the school, the main 53  he made over and over was how 54  my students were in their interviews. It seemed like just such a simple thing to do, but it gets 55 .

1.A. frequently B. eagerly C. constantly     D. naturally

2.A. you    B. it C. themselves   D. why

3.A. the way      B. the wish         C. the method   D. the reason

4.A. disagreeing         B. debating        C. dealing D. discussing

5.A. comes in    B. gets on C. goes out        D. brings in

6.A. on      B. in  C. by D. with

7.A. record        B. phone call     C. message        D. bill

8.A. useful         B. hopeful          C. optimistic     D. helpful

9.A. Instead       B. Then    C. Moreover     D. Otherwise

10.A. method    B. thinking         C. attitude          D. feeling

11.A. interesting        B. easy      C. close     D. different

12.A. took up    B. came up        C. picked up      D. ended up

13.A. introduced       B. demanded    C. intended       D. interviewed

14.A. among      B. above   C. over      D. with

15.A. popular    B. familiar C. like        D. successful

16.A. Make sure        B. By no means C. Make a promise    D. Be cautious

17.A. received  B. allowed          C. appreciated  D. accepted

18.A. contributionB. comment  C. impression    D. reason

19.A. considerate      B. confident      C. polite    D. clever

20.A. results      B. responsibility         C. relief     D. reforms

