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Just saw the superhero movie, Kick-Ass, and it raised an interesting question: just because we are not superhuman, can we lead a super-heroic life? I believe we can do it in some easy steps!

Activate(刺激) our super powers.

Superheroes are all good at different things. Some are really fast, some can see things others can’t, and some can move things with their mind. Also we all have special talents and passions. We just have to know what they are and develop them.

Try this. List several things you’re especially good at— we’ll say these are your core super powers. Next, write down what makes each of your core super powers and look for chances to use them and improve them.

Get a sidekick or two.

Superheroes are out there all day, fighting the good fight. And who’s there to help? Every superhero has teamed up with someone else to defeat some enemies they couldn’t deal with alone.

We need a support team: one or more who can be trusted and will help us when necessary. Our team members should bring different, constructive perspectives(观点) and all kinds of super powers. But we must choose wisely.

Be brave and bold.

Does it take more courage to venture(冒险) down a dark road or to face a life of no ventures at all? Both can be pretty scary. But we should be brave and bold just as some successful person said: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition(直觉).”

Live the code.

Superheroes die to protect others. They don’t cheat or lie or steal. They’re good role models, and they do the right things even when nobody is watching.

Though nobody’s perfect, yet we should learn from superheroes and struggle not to disobey the superhero code. Turn a friend down who trusts me? Of course I won’t.

1.One of the similarities between superheroes and human beings is that both of them ________.

A. are very clever and passionate

B. have their strong points

C. try to remove their own weak points

D. know how to be clever and bold

2.The underlined word “sidekick” in the passage refers to a person who ________.

A.tries to watch you all the time

B.is much cleverer than you

C.has super powers to support you

D.is ready to help you anytime

3.What is the superhero code?

A.Don’t be a bad person.

B.Be willing to lose everything for others.

C.Try to be a perfect person.

D.Satisfy the needs of the friend you trust.

4.What is the passage mostly about?

A.How we can become a superhero.

B.What a superhero should be like.

C.How we can live like a superhero.

D.Why we should learn from a superhero.

