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Mrs. Walker sat down at her desk and sighed. “OK. Tell me, Winston, how your homework became part of the ecosystem.”

“Yesterday,” he began, “after I finished my math homework, I needed a(n) _________. So I took out my bubblegum tape(泡泡糖) to _________. Michael and I are having a contest.”

“Yes.” _______ Michael, “We are.”

“I thought the more gum, the bigger the bubble. I kept _______  gum and my bubble kept growing. Pretty soon I was blowing bubbles so big they  _______  my face.”

“Wow!” one girl behind him exclaimed in whisper.

“Then it  _______ . I blew a bubble as big as a beachball.” He _______  his arms over his head to show how big it was.”

Some kids murmured in disbelief. But Winston  _______  them and went on.

“All of a sudden a gust of wind  _______  the bubble right out of my mouth! The bubble ________ over my desk and out the window. As it sailed away, I noticed something yellow stuck to it. Like paper. Then I noticed my ________  was missing.”

“So?” Mrs. Walker asked.

“I ran after it into Mrs. Roosevelt’s garden—she lives next door. I saw her cat  ________ the bubble. The bubble broke. All I saw then was the cat running madly away.

“Mrs. Roosevelt helped me search the ________. But my homework was nowhere to be seen.”

Mrs. Walker did not look ________ . Shaking her head, she said, “________ , Winston, why didn’t you just tell me that the homework was __________ and…”

Just then, the office assistant walked in with an envelope addressed to Winston.

Everyone watched him open the envelope and take out his ________ homework page and a note that said, “For Winston’s teacher.”

Winston must have __________ to turn this in. He’s responsible. I have no idea how his homework got stuck to my cat, but I’m sure Winston can give you a(n) __________.

Mrs. Roosevelt

Mrs. Walker __________. “It was all true!”

“Yes, Madam”. Winston said quietly.

1.A. surprise   B. change   C. break   D. reward

2.A. play   B. eat   C. research   D. practice

3.A. complained   B. confirmed   C. replied   D. claimed

4.A. adding   B. pressing   C. chewing   D. twisting

5.A. touched   B. covered   C. brushed   D. reached

6.A. happened   B. changed   C. exploded   D. expanded

7.A. spread   B. crossed   C. curved   D. waved

8.A. accused   B. ignored   C. respected   D. noticed

9.A. seized   B. tore   C. burst   D. snatched

10.A. hung   B. skipped   C. jumped   D. floated

11.A. desk   B. beachball   C. gum   D. homework

12.A. hold   B. swallow   C. attack   D. stretch

13.A. cat   B. garden   C. paper   D. bubble

14.A. impressed   B. amused   C. surprised   D. touched

15.A. Generally   B. Ridiculously   C. Honestly   D. Unfortunately

16.A. missing   B. torn   C. hard   D. finished

17.A. wrinkled   B. shining   C. preserved   D. fascinating

18.A. forgotten   B. promised   C. refused   D. wanted

19.A. explanation   B. apology   C. introduction   D. excuse

20.A. looked out   B. looked down   C. looked away   D. looked up

