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How to Stay Positive

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹). The other is as though everything is a miracle. If you choose to be positive, these ideas can be helpful.


Who in your life seems filled with positivity? Who inspires and challenges you to up your game? Consciously build a network of people who motivate you to be your best, then spend your time with them. Be that source of light for others, too.

♦ Feed yourself with positivity.

2. Similarly, how you fuel yourself will determine your experience as well. Read inspiring books. Watch encouraging movies. Follow positive people on social media. You can also create a physical environment of positivity.

♦ Focus on what you can control.

So much is out of our hands, isn’t it?3. Determine what you can control and put your energy there. For example, you can control your responses, actions, words, and thoughts; you can be the change you wish to see in the world. You have more power than you realize. 4.

♦ Watch your vocabulary.

Mother Teresa declined participation in an anti-war meet. When asked why, she replied that she did not want to give any attention to war, but she’d gladly participate in a pro-peace meet. 5. They can help you mend broken hearts and reach amazing goals.

Continue to feed that positive world—like Einstein said, living as though everything is a miracle—and watch life change accordingly.

A. Pay attention to your words.

B. Seek advice from positive and active people.

C. Surround yourself with positive people.

D. Focusing on that, however, can leave you feeling helpless.

E. And when you keep your focus there, that power expands.

F. Putting poor quality gas in your car will not help it run at best performance.

G. If you focus on that change, then everything will change for the better.

