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My brother and I were in Orlando Florida to witness our first Space Shuttle Launch. The Discovery was____to soar at 10:14 AM on a blue sky September day. I’d seen it____so many times on television,____now I was only minutes away from seeing it launch. And it’s the final demonstration of the____of success: Success Takes Off Like a Rocket.

Witnessing the Take Off:

Standing close to the Space Shuttle____home one unforgettable point—the Shuttle is the height of a 15-story building—it____4.5 million pounds—and NASA is trying to lift it 200 miles off the ground. On TV the accomplishments look so much____, so much easier.

Crowds of people are standing around with you to watch the Shuttle go. The countdown begins through the small____of hundreds of portable radios all tuned to the NASA station. It’s enough to get your heart beating____

When time is up, the side booster rockets are lit up and the eight explosive bolts____The first things you see are large white____clouds exploding away. Through the steam, you see the fire power. Then the Space Shuttle begins to inch off the pad and climb its way____Thousands upon millions of pounds of____can hardly lift the shuttle at all. But with ever increasing ease, the shuttle picks up and roars into the sky, headed into space attaining a____of over 17,000 mph.

It is within the first two minutes to launch the Space Shuttle that the great success lesson is____Fact: 85% of the shuttle’s fuel is consumed within the first 2 minutes just to get the 15-story super structure to its orbital____

And that’s exactly how success____: The first steps you take towards launching a successful career are the____and will require an enormous consumption of energy—a great big push. However,____you persist through the launch period, which can seem almost____for quite some time, everything gets easier and easier and your results get bigger and bigger.

1.A. advised   B. hoped   C. scheduled   D. reminded

2.A. rise up   B. come up   C. step up   D. go up

3.A. but   B. and   C. as   D. therefore

4.A. universe   B. world   C. nature   D. air

5.A. gets   B. drives   C. runs   D. jumps

6.A. costs   B. weighs   C. measures   D. sells

7.A. smaller   B. greater   C. bigger   D. smoother

8.A. rockets   B. workers   C. speakers   D. actors

9.A. off your mouth   B. out of your stomach   C. off your mind   D. out of your chest

10.A. blow   B. follow   C. glow   D. flow

11.A. gas   B. smoke   C. mist   D. steam

12.A. downward   B. upward   C. forward   D. outward

13.A. pull   B. lift   C. push   D. pressure

14.A. distance   B. degree   C. height   D. speed

15.A. ordinary   B. absolute   C. apparent   D. present

16.A. attitude   B. altitude   C. route   D. rail

17.A. puts off   B. pays off   C. takes off   D. drops off

18.A. hardest   B. easiest   C. simplest   D. biggest

19.A. while   B. if   C. unless   D. until

20.A. useless   B. careless   C. wireless   D. priceless

