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This is our country, America. The country where everyone is supposed to have a shot at financial success. The country of dreams and ambition. Yet, caused by the endless pursuit of individual profit, our country is a mess. And we owe it all to capitalism.

We live in a society where people are forced to live without health coverage. A country where the poor can hardly feed themselves while the rich decide which one of their 10 homes to stay at for the night. All of these sad things arise out of capitalism.

Sadly, our country values little more than money. It motivates our decisions and even influences entire political parties. We have gotten to the point in society where a human life comes secondary to our financial security. Any rational society would value life above all else and realize that health is a basic human right. Yet in our world, money comes first.

I never once have claimed to be an economist and have no interest in debating the financial advantages of any economic system. Yet socialism surely looks better than what we have.

If we lived in a socialist society, we would be a country without such an unfair wealth distribution. We would value friendship over business and we would treat one another as humans. Most importantly, however, is that money would stop controlling our lives and we could act how humans should act.

Capitalism has created an “every man for himself” existence. Everything is a battle for limited resources and fuels. We have become so accustomed to the life value that we will do whatever we have to look out for ourselves. Yet is this really the kind of life we want?

We have become so illusioned. We are tired of the misdirection. All economic systems have their issues, but I feel like ours is turning our country into something it shouldn’t be. The good of man falls secondary to money. In our world, it is all about dollars and cents, which, unfortunately for most, makes no sense.

1.In the author’s opinion, the root cause of the present situation in his country is __________.

A. money   B. people’s value

C. social unfairness   D. social system

2.According to the passage, which is NOT the characteristic of capitalism?

A. individualism   B. endless pursuit of wealth

C. humanism   D. great gap between the rich and the poor

3.How does the author feel about his country?

A. concerned   B. angry

C. skeptical   D. hopeless

4.Which of the following would the author agree with?

A. Socialism is perfect.

B. Health is equally important as wealth.

C. The pursuit for wealth should be restricted.

D. Life should be placed at the top of our considerations.

5.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. How to Save America   B. Capitalism Is in Trouble

C. Why Is America in Trouble   D. America Is in Trouble

