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"There once was a beggar who loved to hear himself sing.He lived______a dustbin next to a supermarket.He had the most amazing voice.No one would listen to him,______.Cats and dogs would come to sing along.All animals would come to hear this sound.No______though.His______audience were the animals.Even without people to sing to.the man was filled with______for he loved his voice.

Then one day,a little girl was on her way to the supermarket.The man was singing one of his favorite songs.The little girl______him and wondered what that noise was.She began______around every corner until she found him. The girl's eyes began to grow wide as she saw the man in his______clothes.She asked him to sing,with no______of danger in her voice.This shocked the man.He sang for the girl with joy in his eyes.Although it was nice to be _____to sing,it was also nice to have an audience.He sang until they heard the girl's mother______for her.The girl quickly said______and ran off.

The girl returned the next day and asked him to sing.______he sang for the little girl.After a few songs,she left____the call of her mother.She came the day after,with an older woman.This was the girl's______.She did not seem to mind being led behind a______dustbin.The girl asked the beggar to sing.The man sang his heart out for the_____of them to hear.The mother's frown began to______and a smile began to appear.The days after were full of cheerful singing and the audience of two______,they would bring more people to listen.The beggar continued to sing until he could not sing anymore.______he loved his voice anymore.

1.A. over   B. under   C. beside   D. behind

2.A. although   B. but   C. though   D. still

3.A. cats   B. audience   C. animals   D. humans

4.A. only   B. devoted   C. enthusiastic   D. excited

5.A. regret   B. joy   C. pain   D. sorrow

6.A. saw   B. noticed   C. heard   D. made

7.A. looking   B. researching   C. searching   D. finding

8.A. tidy   B. clean   C. dirty   D. cheap

9.A. fear   B. signal   C. expression   D. noise

10.A. awake   B. alone   C. aware   D. ashamed

11.A. phoning   B. crying   C. appealing   D. calling

12.A. goodbye   B. okay   C. sorry   D. hello

13.A. Once   B. Again   C. More   D. Often

14.A. in   B. on   C. at   D. over

15.A. friend   B. mother   C. sister   D. teacher

16.A. big   B. deserted   C. smelly   D. beautiful

17.A. both   B. none   C. all   D. either

18.A. replace   B. ruin   C. fade   D. break

19.A. Later   B. Earlier   C. Sooner   D. Otherwise

20.A. A part from   B. Thanks to   C. Not just   D. In addition

