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It was my first night in my college dorm room. A couple of months ago, I was prepared for finals, ______, and the day I would keep my promise ______ out as soon as I had the chance. I ______used threat when I was angry or couldn’t get my way. ______my parents just grinned.

Now I ______ watching TV programs with my parents. I missed the time my parents spent with me. I missed the home videos I _____with my brother and sister. Now, those moments are only memories.

Sitting at my desk with my laptop open, I______an e-mail to a radio station my mom listens to every morning before work. I ______a special song called Don’t Forget to Remember.

The next morning, my mom got out of bed and ______the radio as usual. She was amazed by the speakers______You know how  ______I was weeks ago because I sent my little girl to school for the first time? A college student  ______ us and said that she misses her parents and______they have done for her. She also chose a special song in______of them. So we want to thank Cindy for that e-mail,  ____it really eased my worry about my little girl growing up and _____about things parents do for them.

The song began to play while my mom ran over to my dad and _____him up. "Honey! Did you hear that? Was that our Cindy? Our daughter who couldn't wait to ______home?"My dad, just barely opening his eyes, replied with, "If it is, that is very ______of her.”

I got a call from my mom that night. I was so excited to tell her that I______my first day of college and we talked for about an hour. Just when we were about to say our goodbyes, I added one last plea: "Mom, don’t forget to remember me.”

1.A. revision   B. graduation   C. vacation   D. decision

2.A. move   B. make   C. work   D. burst

3.A. still   B. yet   C. ever   D. even

4.A. And   B. But   C. So   D. Or

5.A. tried   B. avoided   C. missed   D. Imagine

6.A. sold   B. found   C. made   D. saved

7.A. addressed   B. downloaded   C. deleted   D. received

8.A. produced   B. sang   C. wrote   D. requested

9.A. turned up   B. turned down   C. turned on   D. turned off

10.A. conversation   B. announcement   C. recommendation   D. argument

11.A. excited   B. upset   C. annoy   D. cold

12.A. telephoned   B. informed   C. messaged   D. e-mailed

13.A. something   B. anything   C. everything   D. nothing

14.A. honor   B. memory   C. celebration   D. defence

15.A. though   B. because   C. unless   D. until

16.A. quarreling   B. complaining   C. forgetting   D. bothering

17.A. picked   B. lifted   C. raised   D. woke

18.A. return   B. leave   C. get   D. flee

19.A. selfless   B. honest   C. patient   D. sweet

20.A. hated   B. survived   C. wasted   D. expected

