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One morning in early fall, I found a pair of wild geese on our pond. The beautiful sight caught me by ______. because we’d never seen geese there before. I ______they would soon be on their way, so I enjoyed the ______ to be close to them. I wondered where they came from and why they’d _______our pond.

The next morning, the geese were _____ our guests, so I watched them at a distance to show them I meant no  ____ . Still, I couldn’t_____ getting a closer look. I stopped by some trees near the water’s edge and quietly looked at them through the______. I was surprised to see that they were _____me.

As the days passed, I continued to see them every-day. They craned their necks and raised their heads______but seemed to realize I was a friend. Later, my _____about why they were staying at the pond so long changed to concern. It wouldn’t be long before the______winter came and the pond froze over.

One day, as they were feeding in the grass, I discovered the reason for their _____--the male had a broken left  ________. He was unable to fly, and his mate would not leave him behind. I asked a wildlife biologist friend what I should do. He explained that sometimes a broken wing will _______by itself and suggested tat I let nature take its course.

On the first day of November, I _____sight of the geese running toward the pond, beating their wings with great effort. Both________climbed higher and flew over the pond. Then they turned back toward me, flying no more than 50 feet over my head as if to say goodbye. Then they were______.

The season’s first snow fell the every next day. The birds must have______that winter was coming and that it was time to go. I miss them very much now and I’ll never forget their______to each other. We can all learn a lesson or two from this pair.

1.A. anger   B. surprise   C. terror   D. sorrow

2.A. denied   B. imagined   C. realized   D. assumed

3.A. opinion   B. opportunity   C. feeling   D. message.

4.A. decided   B. ordered   C. chosen   D. forgotten

5.A. also   B. still   C. even   D. seldom

6.A. violence   B. pain   C. harm   D. punishment

7.A. bear   B. stop   C. risk   D. resist

8.A. windows   B. forests   C. villages   D. branches

9.A. laughing at   B. shouting at   C. string at   D. waving at

10.A. cautiously   B. positively   C. skeptically   D. clearly

11.A. worry   B. hesitation   C. claim   D. curiosity

12.A. short   B. cruel   C. mild   D. early

13.A. love   B. plan   C. journey   D. visit

14.A. wing   B. foot   C. leg   D. eye

15.A. test   B. appear   C. drop   D. heal

16.A. fixed   B. caught   C. met   D. remembered

17.A. hopefully   B. curiously   C. recently   D. gradually

18.A. out of sight   B. out of question   C. out of place   D. out of reach

19.A. sensed   B. planned   C. found   D. smelt

20.A. advice   B. respect   C. devotion   D. attention

