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Want to be smarter with your money? Here’s how.

________1.________ Many kids quickly spend every dollar they receive, while others save their money, rarely buying anything. But what you want is a balance between saving and spending. Consider the 25--50--25 rule. Out of every dollar you receive, allow yourself to spend 25cents to buy gifts for family or give to charities.

________2.________ The T--shirt looks so cool in the store. But when you get it home, you wonder why you wasted your money. Sound familiar? This often happens with impulse purchases(冲定性购买). Advice: Rather than buying the T--shirt right away, spend a few days thinking about whether it’s really the best use for your money.

Challenge yourself. It’s hard to save money just for the sake of saving money. ________3.__ Suppose you want a skateboard. Find out how much it costs and then decide how much you will save each week. ________4.________That will make you even more determined to stick with it.

Prove your worth. Want your parents to give you more pocket money? Sure, it helps to do some housework and get good grades. ________5.________ If you show you are a good saver and a careful spender, your parents are more likely to trust you with more pocket money.

A. Wait a week.

B. Keep your balance.

C. Stop buying cloths.

D. What you need are goals.

E. But the real key is to prove you know how to handle money.

F. You might even tell your parents and friends about your plan.

G. Form a good habit of saving money whenever it is possible.

