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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The most important lesson I learned in high school had nothing to do with maths or American history. It came at graduation, several minutes ________ I left Miramonte High School.

I was rather shy back then, content to hang around with my few friends and to concentrate on my ________. I was doing so well that by the end of senior year I had perfect ________ and enough credits to go to college.

But my good record soon became a fear to my well-being.In early June of senior year, the headmaster called me into his office. He asked me to give a leave-taking speech at graduation.I looked at him, my heart ________ fast. This was the reward for my hard work? I said something, but not very clearly, and hurried away from the office.

I was ________ about the decision, though finally agreeing to take up the task. I wasn't the only speaker—I would ________ the honor with five other students.Still, I was uncertain whether the task was beyond me. How in the world would I give a speech to hundreds of people?

Graduation day soon arrived and, as ________, I was nervous.I'd been practicing my speech for days, and I had it ________. But I had ________ been so terrified in my life. The first half hour of the ________ passed, and then my ________ came. My name was announced. I ________ to reach the platform without falling down. But within minutes, I finished my speech, ________ back to my seat.

Now I still have the ________ of that speech. My voice trembled a little, but ________ it was clear and strong. I'm proud of that tape.I achieved ________ I'd never dreamed — I spoke in front of hundreds of people.Although I didn't realize it at the time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the ________ to participate in class at college, to give oral reports, and to eventually break free of my ________.

I never would have chosen to give a speech at graduation. But I'm ________ I did. I know it may well ________ to be one of my shining moments.

1.A. before            B. after            C. when            D. while

2.A. hobbies            B. interests        C. games        D. subjects

3.A. manners            B. relationship        C. scores        D. characters

4.A. burning            B. breaking            C. aching        D. beating

5.A. doubtful        B. optimistic        C. generous        D. hesitant

6.A. share            B. bring            C. spare        D. give

7.A. intended        B. hoped            C. expected        D. planned

8.A. thrown            B. printed            C. memorized    D. completed

9.A. ever            B. never            C. always        D. hardly

10.A. lesson            B. task                C. ceremony        D. match

11.A. moment            B. day                C. chance        D. decision

12.A. managed        B. tried            C. wanted        D. succeeded

13.A. passing        B. heading            C. handing        D. sitting

14.A. photo            B. tape                C. paper        D. word

15.A. partly            B. immediately        C. frankly        D. mostly

16.A. everything        B. anything            C. nothing        D. something

17.A. respect        B. confidence        C. freedom        D. excuse

18.A. shyness        B. pride            C. stupidity    D. courage

19.A. afraid            B. sure                C. glad            D. puzzled

20.A. turn off        B. turn out            C. set off        D. set out

