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How to get motivation for study?

Do you need motivation for doing your homework? 1.

Get Perspective

When you consider homework a drag, it might help to think about the reason why you do it. The work you do now really is important, even though it’s probably hard to see sometimes. 2. You see, you may not believe that you’ll need your algebra(代数) skills later in life, but algebra sets the stage for understanding principles of science, economics, and business.


Most students have a special talent in one particular area, so they enjoy doing homework in that topic. Just pick one area you love and become the self-appointed expert in your school. Get a serious attitude! Think of yourself as the best at that topic, and then make it a reality. Once you do so, you will gain “confidence” in yourself and enjoy doing homework.

Get Competitive!

If you think you’re at a disadvantage to other students, you can turn things around by getting a competitive attitude. 4.Try to surprise everyone, including the teacher, by doing outstanding work.

Get Your Eye on the Prize!

If you get bored thinking about homework, you may need to focus on setting and reaching goals. For instance, if you are having trouble getting started on a big science project, then divide your project into steps and reward yourself each time you finish a step successfully. 5.

A. Get an Attitude

B. Get Confidence

C. Algebra is not easy for everyone to learn, but it is very useful.

D. In fact, it is real work that will form the foundation for your future.

E. If you feel like homework is pointless, you may find inspiration in the following tips.

F. Think of every project as a challenge and start to do your assignment better than anybody else.

G. Just focus your eye on the prize and try to make it happen, which will help achieve your dream.

