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_______1.______, they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go.

People will do anything to see a free show---even if it is a bad one. When the news

_______2._________ would be presented at our local cinema by the P. and U. Bird…

because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone _______3.________ the station and the pilot was ordered to ________4._______ the strange object.

Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming ___________5._________.

Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, ________6._________.

He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.  “What has happened?” she asked. “How did your clothes ________7.__________?”

This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore ________8.__________ until they can be seen no more.

