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Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film released on July 26th, sweeps the Chinese box office.1.Please read more to find out.


Although Ne Zha’s appearance in this film first makes a strange impression on audience, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining.

The creative adaptation is not limited to Ne Zha’s appearance.3. Yang Yu,  Ne Zha’s  director, characterizes the role as a rebellious youth who tries his best to fight against prejudice and change his fate. Born as a ball of flesh, Ne Zha is hated, but he believes he can choose to be a monster or a god.

So this fresh reproduction of the ancient legendary figure pulls at the hearts of the young for they can see themselves in Ne Zha.

Contemporary values

The fact that the film can touch the audience comes down to the contemporary values presented in the film.

Ne Zha’s fight against prejudice mentioned above is the major value advocated by the film. Meanwhile his parents’ parenting style is another aspect.4. The importance of parents’ company during children’s growth is also discussed in the film through Ne Zha’s mother.

Fine production

In addition to the rich content, Ne Zha’s fine production, is another aspect that makes Chinese cartoon lovers proud. 5.  As the most complex animated production ever made in China, Ne Zha has 1,318 special effects shots. To realize the film’s fairy tale setting, more than 1,600 people worked around the clock for three years.

Rich content, correct values and spectacular production. Cartoon fans cheered as they have every reason to be proud of Ne Zha.

A.Creative adaptation

B.Household legendary figure

C.Why does Ne Zha make such a huge success?

D.It makes people think about this question again.

E.It took the director two years to polish the script.

F.People can also see a major change in his character.

G.Many people consider it inspiring for contemporary parents.

