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Do you want to raise mentally strong kids? Stop doing the following things.

Ignoring Your Child’s Feelings

You’re implying that your children's feelings are wrong, when you say “Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal.” 1. And the key to living their best, life is about managing emotions. A healthier message is to say “I know you feel scared right now, but I also know you’re strong enough to face your fears.”


It’s easy to give in when your children are losing their tempers. But each time you give them what they want, you teach your children that their unacceptable acts are an effective way to get their needs met. If you want to, raise mentally strong kids, stick to your limits.

Spoiling Your Children

3. But there’s a lot of research that shows just how unhealthy over protection is for kids. If they always get everything they want, they miss out on learning valuable life skills like self-discipline. 4.. Let them know what it’s like to experience disappointment, and teach them how to work for things they want to have.

Expecting Perfection

While high expectations are good for kids, setting the bar too high is likely to backfire. Whether you expect too much from your child on the sports field, or your academic expectations are unreasonable, kids who feel they can’t succeed are likely to stop trying. 5..

A.Giving in to misbehavior

B.Keeping to your principles

C.Set limits on what you give your children

D.Teach them not to give up dreams easily

E.Kids need to have a wide variety of emotions

F.You may think its cute to spend more money on your children

G.They are also more likely to struggle with self- respect issues

