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The method of getting into college is simply to have all A’s and get the highest SAT score, right? However, it’s more _______ than that in students being admitted into a university.

At Burlingame , _______ that there is the deep-rooted belief that straight A’s and high test scores are the only way to go to college, students feel stressed about studying and homework because they believe that every point ___________. Parents often _______ this culture, placing more pressure on their children.

While to _______ having good grades is understandable, I encourage them to recognize that the American university _______ policy and process are viewed in a comprehensive and complex way and are more focused on students’ personalities and qualities rather than only their _______ performance. We should instead motivate students to _______ no effort whatever scores that brings. For some people, even if they study for hours on _________, they simply are not strong at test-taking and may not get an A despite their best efforts. Before we judge others for not having “perfect” ________, we must understand their circumstances and realize everyone is ________. For example, for me, especially in my history classes, I understand, absorb and explain the material I am learning, but the tests often require ________ the material, which is hard for me to grasp.

Getting a B in my Advanced Placement European History class sophomore year, I was frustrated, because I was extremely ________ in that class by reading well into the night, watching videos as a booster and reading the crash (速成) course book as a(n) ________. Yet when I was asked if I would retake the class if I could go back to the beginning of the year, I said “________, B as I got, the knowledge I gained ________ any grade.” I learned so much about our world’s history and our country’s history and gained deeper ________ into everything I believe to be true. That class challenged me, foster my patience in adversity, better myself and I would not ________ the class for anything.

Many students have the “grade mindset” and they forget to enjoy learning. While I see their ________ that good grades help people enter a college, if we just concentrate on grades instead of remembering to love and enjoy learning, college and life after will not be a ________ experience.

1.A.tricky B.stressful C.controversial D.complicated

2.A.informed B.given C.provided D.supposed

3.A.counts B.arises C.works D.functions

4.A.boom B.stain C.fuel D.form

5.A.initiate B.stimulate C.overlook D.emphasize

6.A.reform B.admission C.transmission D.permission

7.A.social B.financial C.academic D.impressive

8.A.sustain B.spare C.abandon D.prohibit

9.A.end B.purpose C.average D.occasion

10.A.evaluations B.characters C.preparations D.grades

11.A.remarkable B.motivated C.unique D.respectable

12.A.applying B.analyzing C.digesting D.commercializing

13.A.efficient B.industrious C.courageous D.straightforward

14.A.reminder B.procedure C.attempt D.addition

15.A.Probably B.Absolutely C.Indefinitely D.Impossibly

16.A.equalled B.revealed C.distinguished D.outweighed

17.A.insights B.associations C.meanings D.principles

18.A.believe in B.give up C.put off D.complain about

19.A.point B.comment C.suggestion D.decision

20.A.colorful B.powerful C.pleasant D.confidential

