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To this day, I remember my mum’s letters. It all ______ in December 1941. Every night she wrote to my brother Johnny, who had been ______ that summer. We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Mum claimed that there was a direct ______ from the brain to the written word that was just as strong as the light God has granted us. She trusted that this light would ______ Johnny. I don’t know if she said that to ______ her mind or all of ours. But I do know that it helped us ______ together, and one day a letter from Jonny really did arrive. Johnny was alive on an island.

I had always been amused by the fact that mum ______ her letters, “Cecilia Capuzzi”, and I ______ her about why she didn’t just write “Mum”. I hadn’t been aware that she ______ thought of herself as Cecilia Capuzzi. Not as Mum. I began seeing her in a new light, this small _____ yet strong woman. We often sat recalling the days when our family was filled with laughter of four boys. They had all moved away from home to work, enrolled in the ______, or got married. All except me. Around next spring mum had got two more sons to ______. Little by little, the rumour about mum’s letters ______. One day a small woman knocked at our door. She opened her bag and ______ a pile of airmail letters, begging mum to read them from her son who was a soldier in Europe. Mum read the letters one by one. The woman’s eyes ______ with tears. A few days later the woman returned with a friend, then another one and yet another one—they all needed letters. Mum had become the _______ in our town.

“All people in this world are here with one particular ______,” Mum said. “______, mine is to write letters.” She tried to explain why it ______ her so much. “A letter_______ people like nothing else. It can make them cry, it can make them laugh and it makes the world seem very small. My dear, a letter is life itself!”

1.A. gathered B. disappeared C. started D. happened

2.A. called B. drafted C. arrested D. trained

3.A. link B. signal C. route D. result

4.A. warm B. guide C. tell D. find

5.A. focus B. calm C. broaden D. strengthen

6.A. swing B. struggle C. stick D. settle

7.A. began B. answered C. signed D. sealed

8.A. teased B. persuaded C. reminded D. informed

9.A. never B. seldom C. ever D. always

10.A. liberal B. delicate C. reliable D. uneducated

11.A. university B. service C. course D. army

12.A. cater to B. relate to C. write to D. subscribe to

13.A. circulated B. arose C. faded D. ceased

14.A. set out B. pulled out C. put out D. turned out

15.A. sprang up B. welled up C. looked up D. turned up

16.A. writer B. editor C. assistant D. correspondent

17.A. order B. ambition C. letter D. purpose

18.A. Apparently B. Gradually C. Initially D. Eventually

19.A. pushed B. challenged C. absorbed D. relaxed

20.A. unites B. draws C. cheers D. associates

