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Practical ways to get motivated

Be mindful of your "why".

If I need to clean the floor, but I really don't like cleaning, then I won't feel very motivated to do it. However, if I have a big enough reason to do it—because I'm having some guests to come over, or I love the feeling of having a clean floor, then that "bigger purpose" can be strong enough to get me to act, even though I don't enjoy cleaning. If I stay mindful of why I'm doing it, I can get motivated to do it. 1.

Celebrate your successes.

It's easy to get down on yourself because you haven't reached your goal yet. You may overlook all of the hard work and small goals that you've accomplished. Remember to reward yourself and to celebrate your successes. 2. In the same way, how can you motivate yourself if you're not going to reward yourself and celebrate your successes?


Imagine how good you'll feel when you've reached your goal. Take a moment and think about how you'll feel and what you'll think after you've achieved it. What does it feel like? 4. Focus on that feeling, and use it to drive you right now to move towards your goal. Just think of how good it will be.

Get inspired.

Read stories, watch movies, listen to other people who have achieved what you want to achieve. Imagine what they had to go through to get to where they are. Imagine how big the heart is of some of your biggest heroes and how badly they wanted what they achieved. 5.

A. Imagine having already achieved it.

B. Get help and support when you're not feeling motivated.

C. So remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing.

D. What kind of self-talk would you use to motivate yourself?

E. Let them inspire you to access your own great desire within.

F. You might feel proud, happy, satisfied, or any other emotion.

G. Would you be able to properly train a dog without rewarding him?

