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People back in the United States are always asking me, “What's it like to live in China?” They hope to hear strange stories about weird food and cultural conflicts. Instead, I tell them that living in China is like being a baby.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think that Chinese people are babies. I am a baby. Or at least, I become one when I leave my house. That’s because babies can’t read, and when I leave my house in Beijing, I’m illiterate (不识字的).

This can be dangerous. If a sign says, “Watch out for big angry bears,” in Chinese, I will continue walking, completely ignorant of my peril (危险). Then a bear will eat me for breakfast.

I have started to recognize a few characters, but they seem impossible to ever learn without a lifetime of study. When I see a character I like. I give it a name. There is “The Square,”“The Octopus(章鱼) ,”“The-upside-down Octopus,” and my favorite, “Upside-down Octopus on an airplane.” However, I still don't know their sounds or meanings.They are just beautiful mysteries to my eyes.

Because I can’t read, city streets present an endless series of enigmas. If I see a business, I wonder, “Is that a restaurant? A dentist? A lawyer’s office?” Once, while hungry, I saw a big colorful sign. I walked in and asked a realtor (房屋中介) to see the drink menu.

Speaking of menus, eating at restaurant is a daily misadventure. Many places have photos of food, which is helpful. But if they have no photos, I walk from table to table and point at whatever looks delicious. I apologize if I’ve ever interrupted your dinner to point at your plate. I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just a hungry baby!

1.Why does the author think living in China is like being a baby? ______

A.Some Chinese people behave like babies.

B.It’s comfortable to be a baby in China.

C.He is as curious as a baby about Chinese things.

D.He is like a new-born who can’t read at all.

2.What do we know about the author? ______

A.He can order food in simple Chinese.

B.He doesn't know many Chinese Characters.

C.His spoken Chinese is better than his written Chinese.

D.He memorizes Chinese words based on their sounds.

3.In Paragraph 5, what does the underlined word “enigmas” mean? ______





4.What is the passage mainly about? ______

A.The author’s love for Chinese food.

B.The language barrier the author meets in China.

C.Cultural conflicts the author faces in China.

D.How the author overcomes difficulties in learning Chinese.

