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Susan Boyle spent her early life faithfully attending her ________ Catholic church, taking singing lessons and performing in small karaoke venues, and ________ her aging mother, whom she promised that she would someday enter a ________ contest. Boyle’s first public performance after her dear mother passed away in 2007 was before an enormous(庞大的) ________—more than 10 million viewers of a 2009 episode of Britain’s Got Talent.

As she walked on stage, 47-year-old Boyle was greeted by a surprised and ________ audience. And then, as if the world stopped for just a moment, she caught the audience and ________ the judges as she sang “I Dreamed a Dream.” Her ________ swiftly became reality as tens of millions of viewers around the world became acquainted with her ________ performance, via the live broadcast and a________ popular online video

Who was she, where did she come from, and the most often heard question—where has she been?! Boyle never sought stardom. Over the years, she had quietly________  her dreams from the small village of Blackburn, West Lothian, Scotland, ________ just a bit of local reputation by performing at church and community events. As a child, she ________ with learning differences and, she reports, was bullied(欺侮) in school.

By the end of 2009, ________, the world was very aware of Boyle. After she came in second on Britains Got Talent, her first ________, released(发行) in November 2009, became the _______ album of all time in the UK. Her following albums have been extremely ________ as well. She has toured widely, collaborated(合作) with household names, and _______ before the Queen of England.

In addition to showing her great _______, Susan Boyle has been an inspiration to many. She is a beautiful example of _______ the stereotypes(固定印象) of age and circumstance, to win the ______ of the world. Her first public song is really her story—she dreamed a dream.

1.A.native B.local C.central D.ancient

2.A.caring for B.call for C.carry out D.ask for

3.A.dancing B.painting C.singing D.writing

4.A.audience B.band C.crowd D.team

5.A.silent B.skeptical C.serious D.crazy

6.A.amused B.joked C.frightened D.shocked

7.A.words B.plan C.dream D.design

8.A.strange B.special C.ordinary D.extraordinary

9.A.slowly B.rapidly C.easily D.shortly

10.A.pursued B.realized C.built D.thought

11.A.taking B.enjoying C.gaining D.choosing

12.A.followed B.struggled C.offered D.imagined

13.A.gradually B.similarly C.instead D.however

14.A.book B.play C.album D.drama

15.A.best-selling B.best-known C.best-seller D.well-known

16.A.useful B.helpfl C.successful D.hopeful

17.A.embarrassed B.chatted C.cheered D.performed

18.A.patience B.talent C.humour D.imagine

19.A.overcoming B.beating C.observing D.controlling

20.A.respect B.courage C.mind D.praise

