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JAYCE began noticing when he was 5 in kindergarten that others had two hands but he had one.

When one boy _______ him, Jayce felt very sad. He returned home with _______ : Why am I different? Why?

"He _______ told us he was mad at God for making him that way, " Lewis, his mother  says. "That was a huge knife to the _______."

Lewis _______ she didn't know what to do at that point. One day, when Jayce was 12, Lewis _______ the TV to a news story about Trashaun, an eighth grader from Washington, Trashaun, then 14, two years older than Jayce, had become an Internet sensation after _______ videos of his slam dunks(灌篮). Like Jayce, he was _______ most o£ his left arm. Lewis called Jayce in. He watched _______ dunk after mazing dunk.

It seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be a(n) ________ moment for Jayce—he'd see a surprising role model with a similar  ________. Had it stayed just that; Lewis would have been ________. Little did she know that a family friend had already ________ the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce's ________.

The boys met on a Saturday afternoon two months later, in April 2017.

The day was not spent being buried in self-pity—it was devoted to ________ , They rode bikes around, took photos, played hide-and-seek, and ________ baskets.

Trashaun ________ their left arms. He told Jayce not to let words ________ his confidence or anyone dray him down,________ that he was perfect the way God made him.

Since that meeting, Lewis has seen a pronounced ________ in her son.

1.A.hit B.teased C.praised D.attacked

2.A.questions B.anxiety C.requirements D.surprise

3.A.hardly B.casually C.gradually D.actually

4.A.head B.hand C.heart D.back

5.A.admits B.agrees C.notices D.accuses

6.A.got to B.came to C.looked at D.turned on

7.A.purchasing B.posting C.attracting D.donating

8.A.considering B.using C.missing D.observing

9.A.hopefully B.thankfully C.carefully D.excitedly

10.A.interesting B.boring C.thrilling D.inspiring

11.A.disability B.height C.strength D.idea

12.A.tired B.worried C.happy D.hopeful

13.A.ordered B.entered C.asked D.left

14.A.ambition B.confidence C.business D.house

15.A.fun B.talk C.work D.study

16.A.shot B.grasp C.caught D.took

17.A.put up B.waved down C.lay down D.talked about

18.A.increase B.shake C.build D.lose

19.A.but B.so C.because D.or

20.A.achievement B.difficulty C.difference D.help

