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A child prodigy (奇才)from Belgium is on course to gain a bachelor's degree at the age of nine. Laurent Simons is studying electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)—a tough course even for students of an average graduate age. Described by staff as “simply extraordinary” Laurent is on course to finish his degree in December. He then plans to work on a PhD program in electrical engineering while also studying for a medicine degree, his father told CNN.

His parents, Lydia and Alexander Simons, said they thought Laurent’s grandparents were overstating (夸大其词)when  they said Laurent had a gift, but his teachers soon agreed. "They noticed something very special about Laurent." said Lydia.

Laurent was given test after test as teachers tried to work out the degree of his talents. "They told us he is like a sponge (海绵)said Alexander. While Laurent comes from a family of doctors, his parents have so far not received any explanation as to why their child prodigy has the ability to learn so quickly. But Lydia has her own theory. “I ate a lot of fish during the pregnancy (怀孕)," she joked.

The TUE has allowed Laurent to complete his course faster than other students. “That is not unusual. “said Sjoerd Hulshof education director of the TUE bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, in a statement. ''Special students that have good reasons for doing so can arrange an adjusted schedule. In much the same way we help students who participate in top sport."

1.Who first found Laurent Simons’s talent tor studying?

A.Alexander. B.His teacher.

C.His parents. D.His grandparents.

2.What can best describe Laurent Simons?

A.Brilliant and talented. B.Hardworking but childish.

C.Helpful and friendly. D.Average but clever.

3.What can we know about TUE?

A.It gave Laurent a sport course.

B.It offered Laurent flexible schedule.

C.It stopped Laurent studying further.

D.It treated Laurent as a usual student.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.An Important Test B.A Careful Teacher

C.A Gifted Child D.A Vital Course

