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Ask 9-year-old Annie what the worst thing was that ever happened in her house last year, and she won’t tell you that it was her parents divorcing, although they did. No, what Annie remembers most are the horrible fights leading up to the announcement about the divorce which was, as it turned out, and despite her parents anxiety about telling her, “not that big of a deal.” “I already knew they were not getting along well,” Annie says, “Every night after I went to bed, l would hear my parents fighting.” It made me really unhappy. When they finally decided to get a divorce, all of that stopped.

Annie's experience is more common than you might think, and there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that “staying together for the sake of the children” is not all it's cracked up to be, and may do more harm than good. According to psychologist Lynn Martingdale, hearing their parents argue is often more stressful for children than separation and divorce, and if you think that your children don’t know that there's trouble in family, then you're kidding yourself. The home life of children whose parents have an unhappy marriage is often far from ideal, and what's worse, parents will compound the problem by taking their unhappiness out on the children.

The Center for Moving Forward conducted a study in 2014 in which they followed 25families whose parents had been in marriage counseling. After tracking these families for 5 years, they found that the children of the parents who had eventually gotten divorced were not worse off than the children of those who had remained together, and in some cases had fared better. The study took into consideration, social and the children's general sense of well-being.

1.Why was Annie really unhappy according to paragraph 1?

A.Her parents fought every night. B.Her parents finally got divorced.

C.Her parents decided to abandon her. D.Her parents got along badly with her.

2.Which statement may psychologist Lynn Martingdale agree with?

A.Separation and divorce will hurt the children most.

B.Keeping an unhappy marriage hurts children more.

C.Children can't understand their parents' marriage well.

D.Children can’t feel the unhappiness from their parents.

3.What's the function of the last paragraph in the passage?

A.To give an example of divorce.

B.To support Annie's correct answer.

C.To further clear the author's view point.

D.To highlight the importance of the study.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Divorce Is Good for Children B.Divorce Is Not the Worst Thing

C.Fighting Is Often Stressful D.Staying Together Is for Children Only

