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Peking University is a major Chinese research university in Beijing.1.(found) in 1898, it served2.the first modern national university in China. In 1917, Cai Yuanpei  became the president of the university and conducted a series of reforms that helped transform the University. By the early 1920s, Peking University3. (become) a center for China's emerging (新兴的) progressive thought. The university had played4.important role in the birth of China's many significant events, to the extent that the university's history has been closely tied to the history of modern China. Also, Peking University has educated and hosted many outstanding modern Chinese5.(figure).

Peking University's school library is one of the6.(large) libraries in the world  with over 8 million volumes. In7.(add) to academics, Peking University is8.  (especial) well-known for its campus,9. now lies in northwest Beijing, near the  Summer Palace. The beauty of10. (it) traditional Chinese architecture is also highly appreciated by the architects and tourists.

