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It was the end of the Depression, and things were tough. Mom had a hard time _______ us kids on her own. Looking back, I realized what mom went _______ sending us kids to school. Every morning she would tuck (塞) a new piece of _______ in our shoes, because our soles (鞋底) were _______. We were _______ to move constantly these years. Although the _______ was twentyfive dollars a month, mom couldn’t afford it.

Christmas was _______, and we were given a twentyfivedollar Christmas fund because of social services. Mom said _______ buying some delicious food, she would use the money to pay for the rent, assuring us a _______ over our heads for a little while longer.

Unknown to mom, I had been doing parttime jobs to earn enough money to ________ a pair of new boots, which were with no cardboard in the soles. But on the way to the shopping mall, I ________ many houses with Christmas lights and decorations. It was then that I ________ that in our house, we had no lights, no decorations, nor any money for Christmas food.

As I continued walking, I felt ________. Here I was going to buy a pair of new boots ________ mom was in tears at home. She must be trying to ________ to us why there were no presents. Then I ________ my mind. I should do something for my mom. I went into a grocery store, filled with ________. I bought some food and some other Christmas treats. I spent every cent of my hardearned money. Arriving at home, I knocked on the door. I could ________ wait to see my mother’s face! When mom opened the door, some of the groceries ________ down onto the floor, and she just stood there surprised. Holding ________ the tears, I shouted, “Merry Christmas, mother!”

1.A.keeping B.protecting C.loving D.raising

2.A.in B.on C.through D.over

3.A.cardboard B.paper C.cloth D.handkerchief

4.A.found out B.tired out C.worn out D.given out

5.A.delighted B.forced C.honored D.frightened

6.A.food B.shelter C.expense D.rent

7.A.leaving B.approaching C.celebrating D.advancing

8.A.in spite of B.because of C.regardless of D.instead of

9.A.sky B.house C.roof D.protection

10.A.buy B.sell C.donate D.exchange

11.A.admired B.envied C.watched D.noticed

12.A.guessed B.realized C.imagined D.expected

13.A.guilty B.surprised C.nervous D.relieved

14.A.where B.though C.if D.while

15.A.persuade B.manage C.explain D.tell

16.A.decided B.changed C.lost D.kept

17.A.sadness B.excitement C.depression D.wonder

18.A.quietly B.anxiously C.hardly D.quickly

19.A.fell B.piled C.threw D.packed

20.A.down B.up C.back D.off

