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At the Magazine we welcome your contributions! We love to publicize authors, bloggers and businesses. And there are several spots available for writers.

Author Spot

This is a regular page devoted to new and experienced authors. Click here to see the questions and you simply reply as you wish. To appear on Author Spot, your book must be already published. Please enclose a color photo of yourself plus a color photo of your book cover.

Top Tips

Are you an expert in your field? We welcome “Top Tips” on any subjects such as working from home, building up a business, writing — please contact us if you have an idea and look at the top tips posts on this site to see how to craft your own.

Press Releases

Do you have some news about your business, company or charity? We are always on the look out for great press releases to publish on our site. Simply submit your press release here or email it to ali- son@ feature world. co.uk.

Opinion pieces and Reviews

Got a subject you feel strongly about? Or would you like to review a book for us? We are happy to look at all other opinion pieces or reviews as long as they fit with the general ethos (思想信仰)of the site.

General Submission Guidelines

Due to the number of submissions received we cannot guarantee that your submission will be published. There might be a wait of a few weeks before your submission goes live.

We reserve the right to edit submissions — although as they are personal to the writer, we endeavor not to do this.

Any questions? Contact us here.

1.Which is a necessary requirement to contribute a book?

A.One photo of you and your book.

B.A book never published.

C.Answering some questions.

D.An expert in your field.

2.What does the underlined part “we endeavor not to do this” in the sentence mean?

A.We try not to be personal.

B.We try not to change your writing.

C.We try not to reserve the right.

D.We try not to delay the publication.

3.Where does the passage come from?

A.A magazine.

B.A textbook.

C.A website.

D.A newspaper.

