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The Dangers of Binge-Watching

The common use of Tik Tok and many other streaming services has created a new problem in today's society: binge-watching. This allows teens to spend huge amounts of time watching shows without a break. Some teens even spend the entire weekend glued to the screens. 1. When it becomes a regular habit, however, binge-watching can really create some problems.

If teens regularly head for their devices for binge-watching , they are more likely to experience loneliness and depression. It makes sense. Lonely or depressed teens will turn to mindless bing-watching to get their attention off those negative feelings. However, it doesn't really fix anything. It is a temporary band-aid that covers the real problem. 2.

The shows teens watch tend to directly affect their minds. Therefore, negative shows, or those with negative portrayals(描绘)of the world around them, can increase feelings of negativity and depression.3.Too many shows are filled with model-thin individuals who are still complaining that they don't look good in their clothes. This can lead a young girl to worry about her physical appearance.

Some teens don't have the self-control to their binge-watching habits on their own. 4. Parents need to be aware of how much time their teens are spending on their devices. Setting limits on screen-time can be easy to accomplish with a good parental control software.

Having regular conversations with your teens about this behavior is critical. Encourage them to tell you why they are binge-watching, what they're watching, and how they're feeling to help them develop healthier viewing habits. 5. By doing so parents have set a clear line that displays when binge-watching has to stop.

A.Worse still, it can merely cause the sense of loneliness to build up.

B.Sure, the occasional binge-watching doesn't sound too bad.

C.For this reason, what parents can do with the situation is critical.

D.They spend more time with screens than with their peers or parents.

E.Parents can also help schedule other activities to fill up the day.

F.Even body image can be linked to the shows that teens watch.

G.Instead, they can simply sit there, staring at the screen and no more effort is needed.

