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Ways to Be Happy in Life

Happiness is very important. If you are not happy, life can become meaningless. What can you do to be happy? Here are several ways to help.


Having things to expect helps keep you positive and happy. It might be a holiday you’ve booked, or a concert. Make sure you regularly provide yourself with things that you desire to do.

2.Have a laugh.

Laughter is fantastic medicine for the soul. Seek out people who is humorous and make you laugh. Avoid those negative people. Watch some funny films. Learn to laugh at yourself and things around you. _______.


Through millions of years of evolution, we are designed to work physically harder than most of us do. This leaves us with extra unburned energy.

_______ This could be the gym, swimming, playing tennis etc. Exercise also produces some feel-good chemical substance (物质) in your body, leaving you feeling great afterwards.

4.Watch your stress levels.

Stress is harmful to your health. _______ Can you off-load some responsibility? Maybe talk to your boss about getting some help? If things can’t be improved, then consider finding a new job.

5.Don’t be a people pleaser.

___5___ Learn to say no to people who ask for too much. Do things that make you happy, even if people in your life don’t approve. As long as it isn’t harming anyone else, then chase what you feel you want to do.

A.Find exercise that you enjoy.

B.Have things to look forward to.

C.Life shouldn’t be taken so seriously.

D.Some exercise can make people excited.

E.And too much stress can lead to some deadly diseases.

F.If your job is stressful, consider ways to reduce this stress.

G.Although it’s good to do favors for others, only do them when you want to.

