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11-year-old TJ had just jumped off the scooter(滑板车)as his neighbor Kim, aged 7, and her sister Julie, 9, looked on. That was _____a man with messy hair appeared. Without a word, he picked Kim up and _______walked away.

He held her like a baby.______, the calm way the man held Kim made TJ believe he must have been a  ______. But eventually something was not _____. TJ could see Kim's face—she was scared. Her fear turned into________,  then begging for help. She began kicking and trying to ____the man's arms." What are you doing?" Julie_____.But the man, undisturbed, walked along the block until he reached an alley and _____.

TJ's first ______was to follow them. But how could an 11-year-old kid _____a grown man? So he ran to his grown-up neighbors' home and shouted," A man______picked up a little girl and took her into the alley!" Then instantly TJ was gone, back on the street 48__his little friend.

Once TJ_____the alley, he recognized the man, standing in front of an abandoned house. He was pushing the _____girl through a window. Fortunately, Julie and other neighbors, the police and the mother of the victim soon arrived _____to save the girl. Kim dashed into her mother's _____arms, and the two cried and hugged. Meanwhile, officers_____the man.

That news came as no_____to TJ's mother. She thinks this is exactly his _____. And his first thought is not of himself. It's always of others.

1.A.how B.when C.why D.where

2.A.hurriedly B.secretly C.calmly D.anxiously

3.A.On purpose B.After all C.In consequence D.In fact

4.A.father B.relative C.stranger D.neighbor

5.A.right B.common C.harmonious D.reliable

6.A.eagerness B.cheers C.sobs D.silence

7.A.get free of B.throw away C.take hold of D.deal with

8.A.reminded B.warned C.begged D.yelled

9.A.resisted B.survived C.disappeared D.returned

10.A.idea B.impression C.action D.target

11.A.prevent B.attack C.follow D.threaten

12.A.yet B.already C.even D.just

13.A.waiting for B.running after C.playing with D.staring at

14.A.found B.walked C.missed D.reached

15.A.sensitive B.worried C.panicked D.hopeless

16.A.behind time B.against time C.over time D.in time

17.A.warm B.safe C.comfortable D.welcome

18.A.shot B.arrested C.defeated D.fined

19.A.surprise B.prediction C.sense D.reason

20.A.duty B.hobby C.character D.identity

