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Switching from childhood to adulthood can be challenging. Oftentimes, you may still feel like a child. Work on not acting like a child by managing your emotions. With a little bit of practice, 1..

● Accept responsibility for your actions.

You should take responsibility for your actions, whether they are intentional (故意的) or unintentional. 2. Failing to accept responsibility may seem like a good idea at the time, but in the long term it will not benefit you. For example, if you accidentally back into your neighbor’s car, let them know by writing them a note or knocking on their door. Then, correct your mistake by paying for the damage.

● Show people respect.

Respect your partner, family members, friends, and strangers. 3. As you grow up and mature, you should understand the concept of respect and why it is important Giving respect will also give you more respect in return.


When you are faced with a conflict, it is important to keep your emotions in check. Control your anger and avoid becoming aggressive. Take a deep breath, listen, and work through the conflict with the other individual. Give yourself time to cool down if you are really angry. This will prevent you from saying and doing things that you shouldn’t do in the heat of the moment.

● Receive feedback (反馈) positively.

People learn and grow by receiving feedback and criticism from others. You should accept that you don’t know everything and that feedback from an expert is not meant to hurt you. 5. For example, thoroughly read through your edits on your research paper. These edits will help improve your writing in the future.

A.It is meant to help you.

B.Take on responsibilities.

C.Develop a way to handle conflict maturely.

D.It is a sign of maturity and respect for others.

E.Children are often selfish and disrespectful.

F.it is impossible for you to reach your goal like an adult

G.you will begin to see yourself acting more like an adult than a child

