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Wayne, 28, faced a long trip. He had to_____________the world to be at the hospital for his wife's scheduled caesarian delivery(剖宫产).

In a_______,  he flew from India to Singapore and then to Philadelphia, where matters grew _______. Storms caused a cancellation so he was_______ to stay in a hotel overnight. He_______ to fly on Thursday morning.

While sitting on the plane, they needed to_______  the engineer's regular check on   the airplane. Remaining_______ on the plane for 30 minutes, everybody had to get off.   After that was delay after delay.

“Because of the_______, there were not rental vehicles from the airport,” Wayne said. “I would have_______ all of it I'm afraid.”

________ , word of Wayne's trouble started________among passengers. His story reached Sharon Vickers who also had to meet a________-reaching Charleston by noon on Friday. Her vehicle was________ at the airport for she lives in the Philadelphia area. After________  herself, she said, "I’m getting to West Virginia tonight, whatever ________ , so I can give you a lift. Are you________ to join me?”

Wayne didn't________ wait to get his suitcase. They drove for the eight hours and arrived at the________ just past midnight. His 9-pound, 8-ounce boy, Cooper, was born the next morning.

“Without Sharon's help, I never would have________it,” Wayne said. “All she wanted ________was pictures of the baby.”

1.A.head for B.get around C.drive along D.march into

2.A.mess B.hurry C.way D.week

3.A.compulsory B.complex C.practical D.strange

4.A.scheduled B.encouraged C.reminded D.forced

5.A.afforded B.intended C.offered D.promised

6.A.experience B.observe C.confirm D.finish

7.A.seated B.frightened C.unnoticed D.relaxed

8.A.roads B.prices C.storms D.crowds

9.A.arranged B.avoided C.missed D.rewarded

10.A.Fortunately B.Merely C.Normally D.Particularly

11.A.disturbing B.working C.appearing D.circulating

12.A.criterion B.deadline C.trouble D.chance

13.A.parked B.exchanged C.evaluated D.discovered

14.A.introducing B.describing C.comforting D.expressing

15.A.payment B.program C.support D.difficulty

16.A.cautious B.suitable C.content D.willing

17.A.still B.even C.ever D.yet

18.A.office B.hospital C.car D.airport

19.A.made B.seen C.driven D.proved

20.A.in nature B.in person C.in secret D.in return

