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Yesterday, a salesman called me by phone, on behalf of a telecommunication company, to sell his phone plans. I was at work and while I usually don’t _______ to spend time with those conversations, I _______ myself that I couldn’t talk yet and proposed him to call me back one hour later, at 6 pm.

That’s what he did. So we _______ 15 minutes. He explained to me his different phone plans, which he stated to be better than my _______ one. While listening to him, sometimes I was lost in my thoughts. I gave several “hmm hmm”, as a _______ of approbation (赞同) and to _______ to him that I was still there. Sometimes, I felt a bit _______, especially as he had a bit of difficulty in correctly talking in French. But I stayed calm and _______ until the end of the discussion.

At the end of the conversation, he _______ the following to me: “Thank you, Olivier. You are the first person in a long time, with whom I had a(n) ________ conversation. Usually, people ________ at us, insult us, and treat us as thieves. Today, since 10 am, I hadn’t had a(n) ________ without an offense. I know you had a long day at work and you could have ________ in front of your TV or done something else. Instead, you listened carefully to me. I am ________ and I sincerely thank you. I wanted to tell it to you.”

I thanked him for this revelation. I realized how much he could have been the subject of verbal ________, all through his working days. Yet, he was only doing his job. I hope he will have a good weekend.

1.A.forget B.pretend C.like D.dare

2.A.comforted B.excused C.reminded D.convinced

3.A.talked B.argued C.waited D.rested

4.A.previous B.useless C.favorite D.current

5.A.sign B.result C.reward D.rule

6.A.whisper B.lie C.explain D.confirm

7.A.guilty B.impatient C.nervous D.moved

8.A.silent B.patient C.polite D.concentrated

9.A.revealed B.recommended C.promised D.introduced

10.A.awkward B.enjoyable C.usual D.brief

11.A.wave B.signal C.point D.shout

12.A.interview B.order C.conversation D.quarrel

13.A.worked B.relaxed C.complained D.slept

14.A.disturbed B.embarrassed C.exhausted D.touched

15.A.violence B.communication C.agreement D.explanation

