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Colorado’s Grays Peak(格雷斯峰)rises 14,278 feet above sea level, high enough that trees can’t grow toward the top. It was in this difficult environment that Cindy was _________ enough to injure her left knee.

It was August 2018, and Cindy, 56, was on her way back down the trail(小路)with three friends. As a storm was coming, they were_____ to get off the mountain. When they_______ a   rocky drop of a couple of feet, Cindy________ that instead of moving down slowly — the safe way to go — she would____. She landed on her left leg. Then she felt a sharp___ in her leg.

Every_________ after that was extremely painful. Before long, she had to_________ . As one friend ran down to get_______ , a number of other hikers, all strangers,_______ to help Cindy   down the narrow trail by walking on either side of her to support her _______, but that proved slow and dangerous.

Finally, one hiker, Matt, asked her,“How do you feel about a fireman’s _______?”Before she knew it, he had___ her over his shoulder.“Now, I’m  not tiny,”says Cindy, a former  college basketball star.______ Matt couldn’t  carry her all the way down  by himself. So six   hikers and one of her friends______ carrying her. Three hours and two rock⁃strewn miles later, this human conveyor belt______  the medical workers in the end, who_______  Cindy to the nearby hospital.

Now she has mostly _________ from her unlucky hike, but Cindy knows she’ll never shake one thing from that day: the_______ of the band of strangers who came to her_______ .“I’m  still   moved to tears.”

1.A.uncertain B.strange C.surprised D.unfortunate

2.A.serious B.anxious C.afraid D.normal

3.A.cleared B.visited C.missed D.approached

4.A.decided B.noticed C.complained D.reminded

5.A.return B.arrive C.jump D.wait

6.A.pain B.drop C.shock D.relief

7.A.goal B.step C.choice D.stage

8.A.leave B.continue C.follow D.stop

9.A.money B.advice C.help D.courage

10.A.happened B.attempted C.refused D.hesitated

11.A.weight B.family C.opinion D.equipment

12.A.carry B.image C.career D.style

13.A.touched B.seized C.threw D.lifted

14.A.Bravely B.Naturally C.Clearly D.Gradually

15.A.put off B.took turns C.burst out D.felt like

16.A.met B.recognized C.ordered D.escaped

17.A.introduced B.allowed C.invited D.rushed

18.A.travelled B.recovered C.regretted D.suffered

19.A.experience B.practice C.memory D.excitement

20.A.contact B.senses C.rescue D.terms

