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Julie Morgan and her husband, Rich, had planned a trip from their home in Indianapolis to Battle Creek, Michigan, for her 56th birthday. The couple used to live in Battle Creek, and would_______ eat at Steve's Pizza despite money being_______. "It's just the best pizza, and we've never had anything as_______ "Julie Morgan said. "We'd try new pizza as a whole family and_______ it against Steve's."

But their trip was_______ when Rich ended up in the ICU where he was told that his_______ with cancer was coming to an end and he had days, maybe weeks, left to______. Without telling the couple, Julie's father, David Dalke, _______ called Steve's and spoke to the manager to explain the_______, hoping to get a letter, text or some kind of________.

But manager Dalton Shaffer went above and beyond, telling them he would________the pizzas to Indianapolis, even though Steve's Pizza doesn't normally________ . “I just wanted to do that for them," he said. “I just wanted to make them________.”

Just after the pizza shop________ at 10:15 p. m., Shaffer drove 225 miles, making it into Indianapolis with two pizzas at 2:30a. m.,where he was________ by the Morgans' children, and Julie's father. “It was almost like he was just making a delivery across________,”Dalke said. He offered to put Dalton up for the________in a hotel, but he________ and immediately left for the return trip home because he had to work the next day.

“Dalton brought our family so much joy—and the best________ in the world—at a really________time,” Ms Morgan said.

1.A.briefly B.simply C.regularly D.occasionally

2.A.tight B.loose C.valuable D.abundant

3.A.rare B.good C.cheap D.pretty

4.A.pay B.taste C.weigh D.measure

5.A.listed B.arranged C.realized D.interrupted

6.A.bond B.battle C.relation D.treatment

7.A.live B.work C.relax D.remain

8.A.secretly B.abruptly C.casually D.immediately

9.A.deal B.error C.crisis D.situation

10.A.follow-ups B.well-wishes C.feedback D.reward

11.A.send B.report C.drive D.promise

12.A.mind B.advertise C.order D.deliver

13.A.happy B.surprised C.certain D.reunited

14.A.opened B.paused C.closed D.delayed

15.A.expected B.attended C.greeted D.admitted

16.A.town B.border C.forest D.country

17.A.week B.night C.trouble D.effort

18.A.lied B.hesitated C.refused D.forgave

19.A.news B.pizza C.award D.medicine

20.A.late B.accurate C.joyful D.difficult

