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The sound that woke Damian Languell at 8:15 in the morning was so loud that he assumed it came from inside his house. As he got up to _______, he heard another sound, this one coming most definitely from _______. Through his bedroom window, he spied a tree surrounded by _______ about 500 yards away. A _______ wrapped the tree's base, its engine on fire.

_______, Languell grabbed buckets of water and ran to the crash site. The car was_______ nearly in two. No one should have _______ this crash, and yet there was 16-year-old Quintin Thompson, his terrified face pressed _______ the driver's side window, in visible _______. Languell tried ________ the fire with his buckets of water, but with no ________. "That was really awful. When the flame got into the front seats, I ________ I had to get him out of there," he told WAGM-TV.

In an act that a police report described as showing " ________ disregard for his own safety", Languell opened the back door of the car and ________ in. "That's when I noticed how ________ his legs were." Using a pocketknife he'd had with him, he ________ Thompson's seat belt. Then, he ________ the teen out of a back window and dragged him to ________ "before the entire car exploded", the police stated.

Languell thinks about that day often. Displaying the sort of empathy(感同身受)that ________ him to help, he told WAGM-TV, "My ________ goes out to 'Thompson'. When you are that close to that level of hurt, you feel it so directly."

1.A.work B.exercise C.check D.discover

2.A.downside B.outside C.inside D.upside

3.A.people B.fog C.leaves D.smoke

4.A.car B.rope C.bus D.cloth

5.A.Constantly B.Obviously C.Hesitantly D.Immediately

6.A.burned B.split C.pressed D.stuck

7.A.survived B.witnessed C.suffered D.reported

8.A.with B.against C.by D.on

9.A.peace B.silence C.pain D.excitement

10.A.covering B.catching C.pouring D.stopping

11.A.success B.harm C.effort D.luck

12.A.expected B.realized C.concluded D.assumed

13.A.little B.limited C.complete D.some

14.A.crawled B.jumped C.ran D.stepped

15.A.long B.cold C.bad D.ugly

16.A.tore open B.gave up C.put away D.cut off

17.A.pulled B.threw C.held D.hugged

18.A.house B.ground C.safety D.distance

19.A.forced B.drove C.advised D.shocked

20.A.feet B.choice C.hope D.heart

