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In January 2017, I left a 30-year career in radio to find a new path. Fear, doubt, and anxiety filled my life at that time. I had no idea where life was going to take me.

Anything new in life can be exciting, but it can also come with anxiety. I was beginning a new career with little experience. The language on the ramp(舷梯)was foreign to me. What is involved with a “turn” (a plane being downloaded and loaded) was foreign to me. All of the excitement I had about this job on the first day was slowly changing to fear and doubt by week three.

After two weeks in the classroom, it was time for training on the ramp. On my first day as a trainee, I was partnered with a man named Fernando. My job was zone assist. A zone assist is usually at the back of the plane, bringing the belt loader(带式行李装载机)to the aircraft, unloading the back bins(箱子), servicing the drinking water, and wing walking at a push(紧急时). I was 48 years old at the time and had been without extreme physical activity since high school, so I was about to hit the ramp for the first time in extremely hot conditions.

Another deep fear I had, other than hurting myself, was damaging an airplane. Granted, things happen and we’re human. But making a mistake and damaging a plane that could lead to a delay or taking it out of service would be a disaster for a ramp agent. With that in mind, I was so nervous driving the belt loader up the airplane.

Fernando and I did eight turns that day. I don’t remember how many bags I downloaded. Eventually, I got through the day, tired and sore afterwards. Looking at the schedule for the next day, I believed I would do it better.

1.Why did the author feel anxious at the beginning?

A.Because he was out of work.

B.Because he had no idea how he could make his living.

C.Because the new job was totally unfamiliar to him.

D.Because the new job was very dangerous.

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author nearly hit the ramp?

A.His physical condition. B.His carelessness.

C.The extreme physical work. D.The hot environment.

3.What made the author nervous at work?

A.Having an old partner. B.Being too tired.

C.Hurting himself. D.Damaging the plane.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The author would continue his new job. B.The author would change his job.

C.The author would have a higher salary. D.The author would get a promotion

