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If humans ever settle on Mars, they will need water. There is just one problem---there seems to be only huge sheets of ice. Luckily, we know how to drill(钻孔) ice for water. Such methods are already used in Antarctica, and researchers now think they could get them to work on the Red Planet, too. The atmosphere of Mars is too dry to make extracting water vapour from it possible. So ice seems the best bet. But the obvious ice sheets are in the unlivable polar ice caps and would be difficult to reach for drilling.

However, in 2018, at the edge of the cliffs, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted relatively accessible water ice that is probably at least 130metres thick and covered in just a few metres of rock and dust. These may be the best place to get the water needed for future exploration of the planet.

The drilling techniques needed have already been developed for cold areas on Earth where we need to melt buried ice for water. In the early 1960s the US Army used a type of subsurface reservoir(水库)called Rod Well, in army camps in Greenland. The method works by drilling through the ground into the ice, melting the ice to create a pool, and then pumping water up. By supplying heat continuously, they create a reservoir and a steady water         supply. It has been used in remote areas such as the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station Stephen Hoffman at the Aerospace Corporation in Texas and his colleagues simulated(模拟)how a Rod Well would do on Mars. They found that with the power of 9 kilowatts (千瓦)to melt ice, it could in theory produce about 380 litres of water each day and maintain a reservoir of constant size at the bottom of a borehole(钻孔). That is close to the average daily water use each person in the US, but about 10 times what each astronaut on the International Space Station uses daily.

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "extracting" in the first paragraph ?

A.obtaining B.protecting

C.Preventing D.choosing

2.Why does the author mention the Rod Well in Paragraph 3?

A.To explain how water ice is drilled on Mars.

B.To tell about the history of water ice drilling techniques.

C.To prove the importance of water ice drilling techniques

D.To show techniques for drilling water wells in Martian ice exist.

3.On average, how much water does an astronaut on the International Space Station use daily?

A.10 litres B.38 litres

C.160 litres D.380 litres

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Preparing to settle on the Red Planet one day.

B.Finding water on the Red Planet for survival.

C.Using some ways to create a livable environment on Mars.

D.Drilling water wells in Martian ice to survive on Mars.

