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I wanted to be a journalist. But my parents _______ that math makes money, so off to engineering school I went. In my post-university young-adult life, I’ve managed to become_______ successful. As a female _______, I worked for a big oil company and owned a home. My life was_______ in front of me, and I didn’t like what I saw.

So, I did what any respectable 24-year-old would do and left my _______ behind. I said goodbye to my job and _______ my suitcase. I _______ myself solo into the world with the grace and beauty of a baby deer taking its first steps with skateboards under its feet.

I _______ my knees mountain biking through the red rocks of Utah. I partied at a spring bath party in Budapest. I spent four days _______ through Yellowstone with 50 pounds on my back. I took a ________along the Danube river with someone from the hostel. They were just small everyday ________ that happened to happen abroad, leading me to realize that the true value of my flight tickets were not the ________ but rather becoming a( n) ________ participant in my own life.

I now spend less time online shopping and more time ________ alone on the floor listening to an album cover - to - cover. I ask my friends how they’re doing; sometimes, I ________ them with flowers to see them smile. I tell everyone to have a good day.

Maybe I’ll continue to be ________ for the next five years and touch down in dozens more countries. Maybe I’ll stay grounded in my home city, but the idea no longer ________ me. ________ with new wisdom earned in a year of travel, I know with complete ________ that there’s adventure hiding in any aspect of my life—as long as I’m ________ enough to look for it.

1.A.insisted B.predicted C.recalled D.ordered

2.A.commonly B.consciously C.conventionally D.officially

3.A.journalist B.engineer C.designer D.manager

4.A.laid out B.set down C.given out D.put away

5.A.job B.dream C.parents D.life

6.A.turned in B.pulled out C.took off D.looked through

7.A.made B.moved C.threw D.created

8.A.hugged B.loosened C.cured D.bloodied

9.A.hiking B.leaping C.reading D.crawling

10.A.visit B.walk C.drink D.look

11.A.moments B.conversations C.problems D.routines

12.A.feelings B.quarrels C.landmarks D.conflicts

13.A.wise B.brave C.active D.tough

14.A.lying B.eating C.running D.practicing

15.A.concern B.shock C.treat D.surprise

16.A.organized B.grateful C.kind D.selfish

17.A.cheers B.bothers C.attracts D.hurts

18.A.Connected B.Armed C.Faced D.Fed

19.A.respect B.surprise C.confidence D.confusion

20.A.glad B.good C.brilliant D.awake

