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My personality has been designed for animals. I love everything about them.1 feel like animals are to be admired and ___________, never abused. Today, this ___________ really showed!

I went out for a simple walk to my library, when I ___________ a dog! The dog looked like a German Shepard, and I being an animal ___________, approached it. I noticed it had a ___________, but no leash. I tried asking multiple people around the dog if it ___________ them, but everyone said no. I felt so sad, and didn't know what to do. It was so friendly and sweet that I felt ___________ about just leaving it there.

Then, what do you know? It started ___________ me! I couldn't help but smile at that.1 was the only one Who showed any ___________ in it, petting it, talking to it and walking with it. So, together, we walked towards the____________. I finally got a chance to __________ the number on its collar, but no one picked up! I was so ____________about this animal, and I was determined to not just leave it ____________ around. I planned to head to a pet store.

However before I even got to a store, a car ____________ up in front of me with a father and two kids. It __________ that it was their dog, and had gotten ____________ when the little boy opened their fence! They were so ____________ to find it, and ____________ me non-stop. I was relieved too! The dog ____________ jumped into the car and I said goodbye to it.

I felt such a ____________ of accomplishment afterwards, knowing I had bonded with an animal in need, and helped make sure it got to its rightful owners.

1.A.accused B.hunted C.ignored D.respected

2.A.belief B.case C.principle D.sense

3.A.aided B.covered C.spotted D.witnessed

4.A.owner B.lover C.partner D.receiver

5.A.collar B.phone C.store D.wound

6.A.benefited from B.belonged to C.suffered from D.turned to

7.A.curious B.innocent C.guilty D.sensitive

8.A.biting B.attacking C.following D.escaping

9.A.interest B.mercy C.food D.attention

10.A.home B.library C.hospital D.shelter

11.A.call B.find C.gain D.remove

12.A.fond B.eager C.grateful D.worried

13.A.dashing B.lying C.barking D.hiding

14.A.drew B.came C.pulled D.sped

15.A.turned back B.turned out C.turned down D.turned up

16.A.lost B.mad C.frightened D.reliable

17.A.fortunate B.pleased C.relieved D.urgent

18.A.consulted B.reminded C.suspected D.thanked

19.A.fluently B.constantly C.occasionally D.instantly

20.A.chance B.help C.feeling D.description

