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Four Best Countries to Visit in Europe


As the world’s largest beer festival, Oktoberfest attracts a large number of beer lovers from all over the world every September. In addition to the beer, during the Oktoberfest every year, a dress parade is held in the streets of Munich. There are nearly 10,000 people to take part in the parade.


The city Santonia in this country is the most popular tourist city in Europe, because there is a very romantic Aegean Sea. Every year there are a lot of couples or newlyweds, who will come here for their honeymoon. Greece is famous for its fresh air and pleasant climate. Mountains and sea, bright sunshine, ever green plants, olives, bananas, grapes and other fruit trees are everywhere. It is a popular tourist destination in the world. September to October is the best time to visit Greece.


November is getting colder in Europe, but Italy on the Mediterranean is having its best season. Not many tourists, the scenery is still. Hotels are cutting prices to welcome quiet tourists. Without the noisy crowds, Rome, Venice and Florence would truly lift their veil (面纱).


In December, the Earth entered the cold winter, but there are always some people liking different travel. Norway is the best place to visit. Norway is seen by many as a ski paradise (天堂), and not just because of the long ski season and excellent skiing conditions. The main reason is that there are children’s slopes to play on, red slopes to slide on, vast snow fields in the mountains to chase and, importantly, real fun to ski on.

1.When should you go to Germany if you are a beer lover?

A.In September. B.In May.

C.In July. D.In October.

2.Which place is the most suitable for a couple’s honeymoon?

A.Munich. B.Venice.

C.Santonia. D.Rome.

3.What can tourists do in December in Norway?

A.They can take part in a beer festival.

B.They can take part in a dress parade.

C.They can enjoy ever green plants.

D.They can have excellent snow fields to ski.

