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How Smartphone Adds to Your Weight

Using a smartphone at mealtimes can lead to an expanding waistline. Researchers have found that men and women consumed 15% more calories when looking at their phones while eating. 1. The groundbreaking study suggests that staring at a phone screen may distract (分心) dinners from how much food and what they are actually eating.

“It may prevent the correct understanding of the brain over the amount of food ingested,” said researchers who filmed 62 volunteers eating alone.

The volunteers, aged 18 to 28, were divided in to three groups and invited to help themselves to a choice of food — ranging from healthy options to soft drinks and chocolate — until they were satisfied. 2. On average, the volunteers ate 535 calories without the distraction of a smartphone but 591 when using a mobile. Those in the sample who were classed as overweight ate 616 calories while using their phones. When in possession of their mobiles, the volunteers also consumed 10 percent more fatty foods. 3.

“Smartphone use during a meal increased calorie and fat intake,” said Márcio Gilberto Zangeronimoa, a lead author of the study — carried out at the Federal University of Lavras in Brazil and University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands. He added: “Tablets and smartphones have become the main ‘distracters’ during meals, even early in childhood. 4.A distracter prevents the brain correctly understanding the amount of food accepted.”5. A more detailed analysis can be found in the journal.

A.They also eat more fatty food.

B.They also ate more when reading a magazine.

C.Distracted or hurried eating can add to weight gain.

D.The study is published in Physiology And Behavior.

E.It is important to pay attention to how this may impact food intakes.

F.Hunger isn’t the only thing that influences how much we eat during the day.

G.They were recorded eating with no distractions, using a smartphone or reading a magazine.

