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What happens when the right to know comes up against the right not to know? The ease of genetic testing has brought this question to light. Two _______ legal cases-one in Britain, the other in Germany - stand to alter the way medicine is practised.

Both cases involve Huntington’s disease (HD). whose _______ include loss of co-ordination (协调), mood changes and cognitive (认知的) decline. It develops between the ages of 30 and 50, and is eventually fatal. Every child of an _______ parent has a 50% chance of inheriting it.

In the British case, _______ for trial at the High Court in London in November, a woman known as ABC-to protect the _______ of her daughter, who is a minor-is charging a London hospital, St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, for not _______ her father’s diagnosis of HD with her. ABC was pregnant at the time of his diagnosis, in 2009. She argues that had she been aware of it, she would have stopped the pregnancy. As it was, she found out only after giving birth to her daughter. She later tested _______ for HD.

The German case is in some ways the mirror image of the British one. Unlike in Britain, in Germany the right not to know genetic information is protected in law. _______ , in 2011 a doctor informed a woman that her divorced husband - the doctor's patient - had tested positive for HD. This meant their two children were _______  the disease. She accused the doctor, who had acted with his patient's permission. Both children being minors at the time, they could not legally be tested for the disease, which, as the woman’s lawyers pointed out, is currently   ________. They argued that she was therefore helpless to act on the information, and ________ suffered a reactive depression that prevented her from working.

Both cases test a legal grey area. If the right to know is ________ recognized in Britain later this year, that may remove some uncertainties, but it will also create new ones. To what lengths should doctors go to track down and inform family members, ________?

It is the law’s job to ________ these rights for the modern age. When the law falls behind technology, somebody often pays the price, and currently that somebody is ________ . As these two cases demonstrate, they find themselves in a difficult situation - charged if they do, accused if they don't.

1.A.remarkable B.distinct C.contrasting D.dominant

2.A.consequences B.symptoms C.indications D.diagnoses

3.A.influenced B.affected C.inherited D.annoyed

4.A.scheduled B.determined C.approved D.implemented

5.A.possession B.status C.health D.identity

6.A.revealing B.sharing C.reminding D.concealing

7.A.convinced B.suspicious C.infected D.positive

8.A.Nevertheless B.Thus C.Additionally D.Fundamentally

9.A.in advance of B.in the course of C.at the close of D.at the risk of

10.A.inevitable B.inextinguishable C.incurable D.intolerable

11.A.as a result B.after all C.above all D.in return

12.A.financially B.academically C.legally D.culturally

13.A.on occasion B.by comparison C.in effect D.for example

14.A.reserve B.balance C.defend D.draft

15.A.lawmakers B.victims C.patients D.doctors

