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Whether you’d like to loosen tight muscles, become more flexible, or just keep yourself tom getting injured when you exercise or play sports, stretching is important. With just a few minutes of gentle stretching, you can reduce the pain that comes from tight muscles, improve your posture, and increase your range of motion.1.With all these benefits, why not give stretching a try?

1. Hamstring (脚筋) (or Back-of-the-leg) Stretch

The hamstring muscle runs down the back of your upper leg. Tightness in this muscle can lead to serious back pain, so its an important one to stretch.2.Working one leg at a time, lift your leg and rest the heel on the wall with your leg slightly bent. Gently straighten your leg until you feel a nice stretch. Pause there and wait. Then switch legs.

2. 3.

Tight shoulder muscles can lead to neck and back pain as well as other problems. It’s important to keep these muscles flexible. You can raise straight overhead, then bend the elbow so that your right hand falls behind your head. Using your left hand, gently pull your right elbow toward the centerline of your body. Ideally, you want your right forearm to be straight up and town. Be sure to keep your head and neck straight, and don't let your right arm force the head down or forward in any way.4.

3. Neck Stretch

This is very important for drivers! Stretch your neck one side at a time, beginning with the right. Tip your hear to the left.5.Do not pull hard. The neck is fragile, so you must be gentle with this stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

A.Arm Stretch.

B.Shoulder Stretch

C.Switch arms and repeat.

D.Stand about an arm’s length away form a table.

E.Stretching also improves your balance and coordination.

F.For a gentle stretch, lie on the for near a doorway or wall comer.

G.And use your left hand to very gently pull your head toward the front of your left shoulder.

