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Did you feel like the negative remark was more influential than the compliments that you received earlier? If the answer to the question is “Yes”, then you are not alone. 1.

When negative remarks come about, you remind yourself that it is only someone’s opinion and everyone is entitled (使享有权利) to express their opinions. They have the right to say anything they want to say.2.. You can choose to do whatever you feel necessary with that person’s opinion. When I was a kid, I heard a saying — “A barking dog won’t stop a moving carriage.” That is to say if a carriage is moving and a dog is running after it while barking, the carriage won’t stop because of that dog’s barking.

As to campus bullying, I suggest an exercise to kids who are being bullied at school. 3. Take a deep breath, in through your nose. Exhale out of your mouth, and pretend there is a drinking straw (吸管) in your mouth so that you exhale air in a straight line. This short exercise will be calming, and allow you to stay cool.

4.. I personally do not know anyone who is calm. What I’m suggesting is that you learn to productively deal with other people’s negatively, and take control of your emotions and thoughts. In an article in Psychology Today, Dr Raj Raghunathan says, “The difference between ordinary people and extraordinary people is simple. Extraordinary people choose to listen to their positivity and ignore other people’s negativity.”5.. So you should learn how to deal with negative remarks and not let them control your emotions and thoughts.

A. Meantime, you choose to be affected by the negative remakes.

B. They see things differently.

C. There are many people feelings like this, but you all need to learn how to handle negative remarks.

D. As for as I’m concerned, some else’s opinion is not necessarily a reflection of your reality.

E. Now I’m not asking you to become calm.

F. Therefore, you must stay calm.

G. Please do the exercise next time someone is pushing your buttons or getting under your skin, and you’re about to lose your temper.

