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One day at the day care centre(日间托儿所)I watched a mother try to pick up her daughter. The girl wanted to go to McDonald’s. The mother replied, “Susie, not tonight. Maybe we can go tomorrow.”. Susie 16 dropped to the floor, kicking and screaming. “I want to …”

Her mother tried to 17  Susie’s tantrum(发脾气). Finally her mother18. I was surprised that we could have almost anything we wanted by throwing a tantrum.

That day my mother 19me up early because we were going to a department to do the shopping for 20  Day. I was excited to see a toy telephone. Looking lovingly 21 at my mother, I asked, “Can I have that telephone?”

She replied, “Baby, not now, but 22 you are a good girl, maybe Santa Clause will 23 you.” “But Mama, I want that telephone right now,” I said. My mother’s eyes 24and her hand tightened(紧握)on mine. “Becky, you 25have that telephone today, and if you26you can have a spanking(打屁股).”

We were standing in the long 27,and I knew from my experience that it was now or 28. So I lay down on the ground and began screaming, “I want that telephone.” Tired Christmas 29 looked as my mother calmly said, “Becky, you’d better get up by the 30of three or else.” “One…Two…Three.” But I was 31 in full tantrum. Then she lay down beside me on the   32

and began screaming, “I want a new car, I want some jewellery, I want…”

33, I stood up. “Mama, stop, Mama, get up,” I tearfully 34.

She stood up. The others waiting began to laugh. The next thirty minutes was complete35 for me. Then one parent said to me with a smile, “I bet you’ll never try that again”.

1.                A.heavily         B.immediately     C.directly   D.hopelessly

2.                A.cover          B.free           C.resist D.stop

3.                A.gave in         B.gave off         C.gave out  D.gave up

4.                A.carried         B.picked          C.held D.sent

5.                A.Mother’s      B.Children’s      C.Christmas D.National

6.                A.down          B.up             C.over D.out

7.                A.if             B.unless          C.until D.while

8.                A.praise          B.believe         C.love D.help

9.                A.opened        B.closed          C.narrowed D.shone

10.               A.won’t         B.daren’t       C.mustn’t  D.can’t

11.               A.lie            B.risk            C.scream    D.steal

12.               A.line           B.street          C.row  D.passage

13.               A.never          B.ever           C.later  D.then

14.               A.managers       B.sellers         C.families   D.shoppers

15.               A.noise          B.count          C.voice D.word

16.               A.again          B.even           C.still   D.more

17.               A.bench         B.mat            C.counter   D.floor

18.               A.Frightened      B.Satisfied        C.Embarrassed   D.Amused

19.               A.begged         B.resigned        C.explained  D.promised

20.               A.luck           B.discomfort      C.complaint  D.anger

